Saturday, February 8, 2014


"A long, long time ago, I can still remember..."
It has been a while since my last post, I know. But college, life and mainly my procrastination and ability to find pitiful excuses to convince myself of the time I didn't have, it all together didn't allow me to post frequently. Probably I still won't =D.

Enough shrink talk.

I came to post a brand new, fresh shining app that I developed recently.
Inspired by the recent episodes taken up by NSA I made a software to hide my stuff.

With this piece of software you will be able to generate a pair of RSA keys, up to 16,384 bits long and encrypt any file you want to.

16,384 bits long RSA keys means that no NSA, Google, or any amount of mainframes, even a superior alien race (ok, maybe I exaggerated too much),  will be able to crack down your key in the remaining time of the Universe.

A few simples steps to encrypt your files:

If it is your very first time:
     1 - Generate your keys. Click on menu Keys -> Generate Keys. Choose the key size, password and destination folder to your pair of keys. After generation is completed they will become the current key pair.
   Despite the fact your private key is stored under a 3DES cryptographic algorithm (that's why you entered a password), it doesn't mean you can spread it all over the web. Keep it as safe as possible.

If it is not:
     1 - Click on "Search File" next to "Public Key" label, you don't need to load a private key in order to encrypt a file.

2 - Select the files you would like to encrypt by clicking on "Add" button.

3 - Select the destination folder by clicking on "Search Directory". Your files will be saved with the suffix ".hms" appended.

4 - Click on "Encrypt" button. The progress bar will start to flow.

5 - Done!

To decrypt your files:

1 - Click on "Search File" next to "Private Key" label, you don't need to load a public key in order to decrypt a file.

2 - Select the files you would like to encrypt by clicking on "Add" button.

3 - Select the destination folder by clicking on "Search Directory". Your files will be saved with the suffix ".hms" removed.

4 - Click on "Decrypt" button. The progress bar will start to flow.

5 - Done!

If you have a multi-core processor, good for you. The software will use all of your cores, even for a single file. Decryption process takes much more time than encryption, and it has an exponential relation with the key size. So, the longer your key is, the more it will take to decrypt.

Please report any bugs or crashes.

To run on Linux:

1 - Download the software:

You will also need the following packages:


2 - Run on terminal "apt-get install libqt5core5 libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets5 libqt5network5 libssl1.0.0"

3 - Run the "HideMyStuff" that you just downloaded at Step 1.

To run on Windows:
1 - Download the software:

2 - Extract to a folder of your preference.

3 - Run HideMyStuff.exe.